Social-Distancing-Safe Easter Event for Kids

Easter is coming, and the kids are at home and anxious for something to do. Community Easter egg hunts and parties have been cancelled, and churches have gone online.

The world seems to have turned upside down, but even in the midst of this pandemic, Easter is coming! We will still celebrate Jesus’ rising from the dead to bring us new life through his sacrifice on the cross. We will still praise Him for His mercies and grace. He is king of all creation.

But how do we celebrate Easter with our kids in this lockdown? My article, “Bringing Children to the Heart of Easter” in the March issue of MTL Magazine might provide some ideas for you.

A Neighborhood Social-Distancing-Safe Event for the Kids

In addition, however, we can also give our children a fun neighborhood event which is social-distancing-safe to celebrate the coming of Easter. With kids stuck  at home during this pandemic, the Moon Rabbit Watch Party provides an opportunity for kids to enjoy a new discovery that will delight them for years to come. You can also use it to teach your children about what Jesus did for us at Easter. And you can make it a neighborhood party that is social-distancing-safe!

Since the date for Easter is determined by the first full moon after the advent of spring, the moon plays a significant part in the coming of Easter. But what is most intriguing to those of us in the U.S. is the discovery that there is also a rabbit in the shadows of the moon! Although most of us in the West have never heard of him, those in Asian countries have celebrated him for centuries. They have even created legends about how the rabbit got there. You can see this rabbit in the moon for yourself when the full moon arrives on April 7. But be sure to include your kids!

A Rabbit in the Moon and the Moon Rabbit Watch Party

And this year, when everyone is secluded in their homes, you can make it a neighborhood party – The Moon Rabbit Watch Party that is social-distancing-safe.  Plus, you can use it to have a meaningful talk with your kids about what Jesus did for us at Easter. The coincidence between the Easter bunny and the fact that there is a rabbit in the moon brings a new twist to the Easter bunny and gives us something fun to add to our Easter tradition.

The Neighborhood Moon Rabbit Watch Party fills the gap in preparation for the coming of Easter when Easter egg hunts have disappeared and everyone has to stay at home. Neighbors begin by hanging a balloon in front of their house to let people know they are part of the party, then look for the rabbit in the moon from their own yard on the evening of April 7. When they see him, they blow on a horn, ring a bell, or shout, “I see the rabbit.”  They can share pictures on Instagram too. It’s a way to have a neighborhood family event that is social-distancing-safe to herald the coming of Easter.

Tying This All to The True Easter Story

The Bunny Side of Easter

But how does this tie into the true Easter story and what Jesus did for us on the cross? In my children’s Easter picture book, The Bunny Side of Easter, I use this premise about the rabbit in the moon to tell an exciting, but winsome adventure story about how the heroism of a little rabbit made him the Easter bunny and the rabbit in the moon. In the story, bits of allegory about the bunny’s heroism point children to Jesus, the biggest hero of all. You can learn more at my website:, where you can also download a discussion guide for parents to help you use the story to point your children to what Jesus did for them on the cross at Easter. On the website, you can also get a FREE FUNPACK of activities for kids to keep them busy and entertained when you order one of the books. The book is also available on Amazon and you can get it on Prime here. (But it won’t include the FUNPACK.)

Children delight in discovering the rabbit in the moon and love hearing stories of how he got there. The rabbit can be seen in the shadows on the left side of every full moon. You might see a large bunny facing to the left with his ears back and an Easter egg at his feet. Or you might make out a bunny facing to the right with his ears flopped over and his head bowed in prayer. Or you might spot a smaller bunny at the top. He can be seen in three different ways.

If you want to join the Neighborhood Moon Rabbit Watch Party and make it a neighborhood event that is social-distancing-safe, you can download flyers about the event from my website at to distribute the flyer in your own neighborhood.

Remember that regardless of this pandemic, Easter is coming to remind us that Jesus conquered death and gives life to those who seek Him. Let’s share this hope with others and give our children the message of new life that will shape their lives from this time forward.

For a preview about The Bunny Side of Easter, watch this Video Trailer

The Bunny Side of Easter


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