Reflections on the Names of God, Interview with Author Ava Pennington

Yellow book cover with the words, Reflections on the Names of God?WHO IS GOD? How do we see him, and what is God really like? How do the different qualities of God impact us in our daily lives? According to author Ava Pennington, one of the ways to understand more about God is to learn the names of God and what they mean. In her new book, Reflections on the Names of God, Ava delves into sixty names and attributes of God. Did you know there were that many? Wow! I didn’t. Her devotional book provides new insights and understanding into the person of our God in a very unique way.

Linda: Tell us about your new book, Reflections on the Names of God.

Ava: Reflections on the Names of God: 180 Devotions to Know God More Fully (Revell Books, 2022) released this month. It’s an abridged, hard cover gift book edition of the original one-year devotional, Daily Reflections on the Names of God.

Every name and attribute of God reveals something about His character and His ways. Reflections on the Names of God is a devotional that explores each of 60 names and attributes of God from 3 individual perspectives: who God is, how this name or attribute changes us, and how it changes our relationships.

Linda: Why did you write Reflections on the Names of God?

Ava: I’ve always been curious about the many names of God in the Bible. Some were familiar, such as Yahweh Jireh, The Lord Will Provide. But others were confusing, such as Yahweh Nissi, The Lord My Banner. And then there were names that sounded frightening, such as when God referred to Himself as a Consuming Fire.

Bottom line—I wanted to learn what God said about Himself and why He chose those particular descriptions. Since I belonged to Him, it’s important to me to understand who I belong to!

Linda: What do you hope readers will take away from this book?

Ava: As they read these devotions, I hope readers will benefit in four ways:

  1. The more they learn about who God is and how He works, the more they will see how much He loves them, which will make it easier to trust Him.
  2. The names and attributes of God combine to give us a full picture of who God is, revealing His glory to His children.
  3. The more they learn about who God is, the more they will learn about themselves in relation to Him.
  4. Becoming familiar with God’s names and attributes will help them see the priority He places on their relationships.

Linda: What surprised you most about what you learned?

Ava: The biggest surprise was in finding hope and encouragement in every name and attribute of God, even in the names that originally made me feel uncomfortable. When I cut through the noise of who others said God is and focused instead on who He said He is, I realized that every name written thousands of years ago is precious to me today.

Linda: How has God used the message of your book in your own life? For instance, how does it impact your prayer life? My husband often talks about how the names of God help him have more focus in his prayers. Have you found this to be true?

Ava: Yes, learning the names of God has helped me Relate to God differently. Faith in God is not blind faith. I can confidently rely on who God is by what He revealed about Himself in His Word. And because He is unchanging, the God of the Bible is the same today.

In terms of prayer, learning the names of God encouraged me to Pray differently. I’m not praying to an impersonal force out there in the universe, I am praying to our very personal God. And whatever the subject of my prayer— whether worship, thanksgiving, interceding for others, or asking for myself, there is a name or attribute God has revealed which helps me relate to Him in that area.

Finally, knowing the names of God caused me to Teach and share Christ differently. Everything about who He is and how He works is relevant to us today. Knowing His names and attributes gives me specific words to describe who He is. It also helps me when others speak of who they think God is, because then I have a starting point to say, let’s look at who God says He is!

Linda: What’s your favorite name or attribute of God in this book?Picture of author

Ava: It may sound like I’m avoiding the question, but I don’t have any one favorite. The more I’ve studied the names and attributes of God, the more personal He has become to me. Different names speak to my heart depending on my circumstances.

One thing I can attest to: I have never been in a situation where I haven’t been able to draw on a particular name or attribute of God to touch my spirit with healing, hope, and encouragement.

Linda: What does the topic of this book mean to you in your current season of life?

Ava: After being married for 40 years, I’ve been a widow for the past 4 years. Definitely a time of adjustment as I navigate this new season of life. I so appreciate the different names and attributes of God as they draw me into even deeper intimacy with my Savior. Now, more than ever, they give me strength for this present life and nurture my hope for eternity.

Linda: What is the difference between your new gift book edition of Reflections on the Names of God and the original version? How would potential readers decide which to get?

Ava: Although the original edition is no longer in print, print copies may be obtained from online sources. It’s still available as an e-book if readers prefer that format. And if readers are interested in a one-year devotional, they can explore e book as an option. The new devotional is an abridged edition with 180 devotions. The smaller size and hardcover make it a great gift for yourself or others.

Linda: How can people find out more about you and your books?

Ava: You can find Reflections on the Names of God on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and, and you can find out more about me and my books by visiting my website at .



If My Words Abide in You

Open Bible with glasses lying on topIT’S SO INTERESTING TO ME that the more we allow God’s Word to abide within us, the more we begin to understand His words.  I remember a time when I thought, “Well, I’ve read through the Bible, and I’ve even read these books of the New Testament two or three times. I know what they say.”

I wondered why it was important for me to read them again . . . and again … and again, reading the Bible over and over each day throughout my life as a Christian.

But one day recently, after having spent considerably more time in the Bible, I found myself talking to someone and words of scripture were coming off my tongue as I tried to encourage her. And in my prayers I found myself praying with words of scripture.

All of a sudden I realized, this is what it means when Jesus says, “If you abide in me and my words abide in you, you can ask what you desire and it will be done for you” (John 15:7). He truly, honestly wants His words to actually live in us so they roll off our tongues in prayer and in encouragement to others. He wants us to become so immersed in His Word that His words automatically come to our minds when we are worried or in fear. He wants us to read His Word over and over until His words are pressed into our soul and minds.

I remember at various times in the past hearing someone praying whose petitions were punctuated with words from scripture. Their prayers were powerful and I could feel the Spirit of God as they prayed. So as I pondered this new truth God was revealing to me, I realized one of the reasons these people’s prayers were so powerful is that they have the Word of God living within them. They have become so familiar with God’s Word that the Spirit enables them to call it up when they need it.

In addition, over the years, prayer warriors I’ve known have impressed upon me the power of praying scripture back to God. I have even written about this because I’ve experienced the truth of it. Finding a scripture that pertains to our need and praying it back to God adds a powerful dimension to our prayers. Prayers are more powerful when we repeat God’s Word back to Him.

So the question becomes, how does this happen? How do we get to the place where God’s Word is “abiding” in us so we can recall it when we need it?

Some people recommend scripture memory. Memorizing basic passages like Psalm 23, John 3:16 and 1 Corinthians 10:13 can deposit important truths into our spiritual bank account so they are readily available when needed. For me, however, whenever I attempted to memorize Bible verses or passages out of context, I felt like a dismal failure. While I might remember the first couple of verses, the endeavor seemed a bit too cerebral for me to put my heart into it

Now I think – was memorizing scripture the answer or is there more?

While memorizing scripture is a valuable spiritual exercise and plants life-giving truths into our minds for later reference, I believe there’s an even deeper dimension to this. When we regularly read the Bible for ourselves on a daily basis, soaking up God’s truth, we will gradually absorb God’s Word into our hearts and minds so that it lives within us. We can underline favorite verses or passages that stand out to us so we can go back later and be reminded of truths God has previously highlighted for us in the context of His larger message. Gradually, His words weave themselves into our thinking.

It’s a matter of just spending time with God each day—in prayer and in His Word, calling on Jesus to open our minds and hearts to enjoy a deeper experience with Him. Not only will our understanding of God’s ways become more meaningful, but our prayers will become more powerful. Then we will understand what it means when He says to us, “If you abide in me and my words abide in you, you can ask what you desire and it will be done for you” (John 15:7).

If you’re in the midst of heartache because of marital troubles, I’d like to share with you my own discoveries of how God can use this time to take you deeper into Him. You will find this and more in my book, Broken Heart on Hold, Surviving Separation.

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