
CaladiumsI love Caladiums and how they spring up as a sweet surprise in our Florida gardens each year as the winter months ease into the warmth of spring and summer.

Completely out of sight in winter, the bulbs linger beneath the ground, waiting for the right time to remind us of their presence by suddenly appearing to grace us with their colorful display of foliage.

How like God to pop them into the mundaneness of our circumstances as a joyful reminder of the little surprises He has in store for us when we don’t expect them. And a sweet reminder that His beauty is always with us even when we don’t see it –even when we’re unaware of it—or perhaps, more accurately, when we’ve “forgotten” all about it as with the Caladiums that disappear completely from sight in autumn only to flourish months later with such beauty.

The Caladiums in my garden remind me too that we can often find hope in unexpected places and at unexpected times when we trust God for the outcome of our situations. Life’s problems can become so all-consuming, the details of the everyday so urgent, that we forget there is a loving, all powerful God waiting to pour blessings into our lives.

We don’t see it. And His invisibility makes us forget. Until one moment the unexpected beauty of His love and grace or an unexpected answer to prayer pushes through our muddled circumstances and we remember He’s been there all along.

The mystery God has woven through His creation always points us back to Him when we open our eyes and hearts to the “more” of what waits for us outside the limited scope of our present reality.

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard,
and no mind has imagined
what God has prepared
for those who love him” (1 Corinthians 2:9).

                  I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20).


If you are in a marriage where the problems seem all consuming, my book, Broken Heart on Hold, can point you to a place of hope where you can find strength for this difficult season.


A Thanksgiving Rush to Christmas

Autumn leaf decor with words, "Give thanks"

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez

AS MY HUSBAND AND I drove through our neighborhood the weekend before Thanksgiving, we saw people out in their yards, already putting up Christmas lights and decorations.

“People are certainly starting on Christmas early,” I said.

“They sure are,” my husband responded. “I remember when people didn’t put up Christmas decorations until a couple of weeks before Christmas.”

“Then it became right after Thanksgiving. Now it’s after Halloween—before Thanksgiving,” I reflected. “People just can’t wait. I guess it has something to do with coming out of the pandemic. Everyone needs a little Christmas.”

Being of the old school, our first thoughts were to wonder if people were overlooking Thanksgiving in a rush to Christmas. But later that week as I reflected on it further, something hit me.

What hit me was a scripture: Psalm 100:4. “Enter into his gates with Thanksgiving and into his courts with praise.”

God’s Word was telling me to enter His gates with thanksgiving. In other words, God was saying thanksgiving provides an entryway into His presence. And, as Christians, what do we want to experience at Christmas?  God’s presence!

Thanksgiving is the beginning of the holiday season, and as we enter this season by giving thanks at Thanksgiving, we are also entering into God’s presence where we can more fully experience the holiness of Christmas in the days ahead.

All of a sudden, the holiday season began to fit together in my mind in a whole new way.  Perhaps Thanksgiving can, after all, be the beginning of Christmas.  For when we spend the day in thanksgiving to God for the blessings He has given us, we can be preparing our hearts for what lies ahead when we celebrate the birth of the Christ child.

For many of us, Thanksgiving is all about getting together with family and eating turkey. Yes, we will start it off with a prayer of thanks, and many of us come up with a creative way for family members to share what they are thankful for. But as we lift our hearts to God in thanksgiving and worship, it can actually be much more. It can become a way to enter into the advent season to prepare our hearts for the worship of the king.

So if we are seeing a Thanksgiving rush to Christmas, perhaps we can use it to make both of these holidays more meaningful. They are still separate holidays, but the one prepares us for the other. We are leaving the ghosts of Halloween behind and lifting up God’s name in praise and thanksgiving as we enter into a time of celebration and worship for God’s holy gift to us, the birth of His son Jesus, who came to save us from the darkness of this world so we could live with Him in eternity.

“Enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his gates with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations.” Psalm 100:3-5


Shining Like Silver and Gold

Inspiring Others in The Midst of Covid

The pressure of crisis –whatever the cause—can be overwhelming. Whether it’s from Covid, a marriage crisis, or the devastation of our finances, crisis can push us beyond the limits of our understanding until we have nothing else within us to keep on going.

At this point, when we are devoid of strength in ourselves, instead of sinking lower and lower into hopelessness, depression, or substance abuse, God calls us to look up and sink into the arms of Jesus.

In the arms of Jesus, not only does He comfort us with his peace, but He gathers together the substance of our life and molds it into something new and beautiful. The pressure of crisis, when God becomes our refuge and we allow Him to show us the way, refines us into silver and gold so we can shine for His glory. We become the beautiful instruments of His grace, mercy, and love to those around us.

1 Peter 1:6b -7 reminds us of this. “Though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed (1 Peter 1:7 NIV).

An Inspiring Story from the Covid Ward

Recently, I’ve witnessed a person who is shining like gold as she looks past the crisis enveloping her life and fixes her eyes on Jesus, not just to save herself, not just to find peace and comfort, but to use the circumstances of her crisis to shine like gold.

I’m talking about my friend and author, Elaine W. Miller, who right now lies in a Covid ward in the hospital, fighting to breathe. She is fighting for her life, but also blessing everyone who comes in contact with her words.

Her own words on Facebook tell the story.

“Covid pneumonia,” She said in her first post. “We’re off on another adventure. Me and Jesus! He holds me tight and won’t let go.”

A couple of days later:

“Nurse took the stethoscope and said, “Let’s hear what’s happening in your heart.” I said, “Jesus is happening in my heart! Hallelujah!” Started Remdesivir today! Yay! Happy Sunday!”

A message to her praying Facebook friends:

“Blessed in isolation. I can sing out and cry out to God late at night and not disturb anyone. I think of Jesus at Gethsemane crying out, Why have you forsaken me God? I feel loved by God, not forsaken. Jesus was sad that his best friends were asleep and not praying. I don’t feel like Jesus. You have covered me with a mighty army of prayers by day and by night. I am so thankful for you. I am having good sleep, good time with God, and I have no pain. #Thankfulforyou #CovidBootcamp Dr. is optimistic that I will survive this.”

A nurse’s perspective as Elaine began to get her breath:

“’When you came to ICU you couldn’t say 2 words without losing your breath. Today I walk in your room and you are singing!’ – my nurse.”

The beauty of gold:

“Covid has restored my hope in America. My doctors are putting out the big guns. I am on an infusion marathon to fight Covid. Last night that bag and more dripped into my veins. I stared at it all night and couldn’t stop crying. You see that bag is some amazing person’s convalescent plasma. They survived Covid and gave their plasma, time, money, love so some old woman they don’t even know could have a few more years to live. That’s my America! Where people die to their selfishness so others can live. Where people think of others more than they think of themselves. That’s my America! I am so sick of the protests, looting, destroying, anger, hate, selfishness, lies. Someone gave their blood so I might have a chance to live. Just like Jesus. I am so grateful for these dear health workers here who risk their lives so people can live. I am blessed and glad God gave me hope for America in a Covid hospital.”

Finally, in the midst of her crisis with Covid, my friend Elaine looks beyond her circumstances to focus on others:

“Day 17 isolation. Why am I here? Ha! For the same reason you are there. To glorify God. To bring light and hope to a dark and hopeless world. When cancer came to me five years ago, I determined to see my cancer as an opportunity to bless people and not as an obstacle or reason for complaint. So, as I rest on my Covid bed, I am overwhelmed with love and prayers and compassion for Caregivers. My eyes are opened to their true suffering. Folks, you have no idea the exhaustion, the tears, the sacrifice, the dance with death they do daily. They risk their lives so I can live. So, when some call Covid a hoax or complain about wearing a face mask, I know a lot of people who are crushed by your words. But they plow on. Keep quiet. Serve. I determined to pray a blessing on every person who enters my Covid room. What a blessing to me. Not one person has stopped me. I pray as some leave. Everyone has stopped to hear my prayers. They all say thank you. Many in tears. Some come back to me, hold me, touch me (not recommended in Covidland) and pray with me. We cry and we trust Jesus. “But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you My power and that My Name might be proclaimed in all the earth.” Exodus 9:16.”

An Inspiration for You and Me

So, yes, when the pressure of crisis threatens to pull us down, we can choose the abundant life Jesus wants to give us or the barren wasteland without Him. When we submit ourselves to Jesus, He can use us to shine forth like the preciousness of silver and gold.

Please join me in praying for Elaine’s healing and for all of us to be able to shine for Jesus.

Check out Elaine’s books on Amazon. Elaine W. Miller is the author of three books:

We All Married Idiots: Three things You Will Never Change about Your Marriage and Ten Things You Can,  

Praise the Lord and Pass the Chemo: A Hopeful Response to a Hard Reality, and

Splashes of Serenity: Bathtime Reflections for Drained Moms


Elaine and me at a writer’s conference


Thirteen Things We May Have Learned In Quarantine

Photo by Umit Bulut

Now that parts of the country are beginning to open up again, and before we move too fast to getting back to “normal,” perhaps it would be good to reflect on what we’ve learned during this time of quarantine.

Only few times in history has the entire world suffered through the same experience at the same time, but 2020 will long be remembered as a time when we all knew the fear and anxiety of a worldwide pandemic that arbitrarily claims lives. It will also be remembered as a time when we all were cloistered within our homes with few interactions with those outside our immediate family.

As tragic as this situation has been for many, I believe in every situation—good or bad, we have an opportunity to learn something that will grow us into stronger and better individuals.

So what have we learned during this quarantine?

  1. One of the happiest sights I’ve seen during this time of isolation are families strolling through the neighborhood, talking and laughing together. Moms and Dads and their kids are spending time with each other in large chunks of both quantity and quality time. It’s been an opportunity to get to know and enjoy the individuals living in our own house. Without the outside interference, the nuclear family is sharing new experiences together. Perhaps this time of quarantine has even created unique and special memories for our children.
  2. And how about the joy of spending time outside! With gyms closed, we’re learning to enjoy nature by running, walking, and biking instead of going to the gym. While in quarantine, I’ve been reading a book about having a healthier brain. In this book, author Timothy R. Jennings, M.D. sites studies, showing that spending time in nature provides multiple healthy benefits. Beyond that though, these studies also show that “exercise conducted outdoors rather than indoors appears to have a more robust heath benefit.” He goes on to cite research that shows how physical exercise conducted outdoors instead of indoors results in lower rates of depression, improvement in self-esteem and mood, as well as benefits in such things as heart rate, blood pressure, autonomic response and endocrine markers. Something to remember when gyms open up again and life resumes its usual pace.
  3. Learning to appreciate the luxury of going to the grocery store and finding anything we want on the shelves. Not every country has this luxury. Here in the U.S. we are so blessed as a nation in simply being able to go to the store, knowing we can find whatever we’re in the mood for. Having now gone through a time when many shelves were bare during the quarantine, let’s remember this lesson when we return to normal and be thankful for the many advantages we have in this country instead of dwelling on what we don’t have.
  4. Learning to appreciate our jobs and getting a paycheck. We might complain about them at times, but when they’re taken away from us, we realize how fortunate we truly are. We may not be as rich as some of our friends or someone we see on TV, but by having a job, we are able to support ourselves and our family.
  5. Since neighbors are the only people we really get to see, we are getting a chance to know them a little better – even if it’s only a social-distancing safe encounter. Continuing to foster these friendships with neighbors when the quarantine is over can strengthen our sense of community.
  6. Appreciating technology. This is a big one for me because I often complain about it. However, without the amazing advances of technology we would have no way to communicate with the outside world during this time of isolation. How thankful I am for it now so we are not completely shut off from friends and family who live apart from us.
  7. However, we are also learning that communicating through technology is not as satisfying as communicating with people in person. We have particularly found that online learning is not as successful as learning in the classroom. Seeing how many students struggle with classes, time management, and staying focused with distance learning, we realize more than ever the significance of a teacher’s role in a child’s learning experience. Having a real live, present teacher to interact with and respond to is so much more rewarding than staring at a computer screen even if there’s a talking head on the other end. I think we’ve learned that we are social creatures after all.
  8. Because of fewer visits to the grocery store, some of us may be learning to do a better job of conserving food and using leftovers. Knowing I can’t immediately go to the store to replenish ingredients makes me stretch the food I already have so it lasts longer. A recent study of the habits of 2,000 Americans showed that the average American wastes 103 pounds of food per year. Perhaps being quarantined has helped us learn to manage our food more carefully, frugally, and creatively.
  9. For those of us who are a little more industrious, we may be celebrating the chance to use the extra time to clean out closets or drawers or even our garage. (My hand is going up here.) Having to stay home has provided a good opportunity to finish up projects or start one we’ve had to put off because of our usual busyness.
  10. We may also be realizing the importance of validating elderly parents and grandparents with our visits. One of the saddest things for me during this season of COVID 19 is seeing those in nursing homes and assisted living facilities living in isolation without visits from family and friends or even congregating together for meals and activities. Remembering my own mother when she lived in a nursing home for a time, I know how important my daily visits were to her. I can’t imagine her mental and emotional health could have survived months of isolation. My prayer is that those who care for the elderly in these facilities will soon be given plans to bring relief to the loneliness of their charges. I pray also that each of us will value our elderly relatives more than ever and shower them with our love and attention when things return to normal.
  11. Children have learned things too. During the quarantine, they’ve been able to use their free time to rediscover the fun of imaginative play and creative ventures like building forts, playing make believe, making crafts, or reading books for pleasure and discovering board games and puzzles with family.
  12. And, of course, we’ve learned the importance of  washing our hands for 20 seconds on a regular basis. Because it’s hard to tick off the seconds correctly, I recently learned that singing the Doxology while washing your hands is a good reminder of how to measure the time. It’s also a good reminder to continually lift our voices in praise to our loving Father throughout the day. Here’s a quick reminder of the words: “Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.” If you just read that, it should have been a 20 second read! You might remember that next time you wash your hands.
  13. And this brings us to perhaps the most significant question many of us have dealt with during this time—the question of our mortality. As we’ve watched the COVID 19 death toll rising each day, we realize death is a part of life. Our own mortality stares us in the face each time the news reports peel off the new statistics. Because of this, we’re perhaps more aware of the finiteness of life, our limited time on earth, and the frailty of our individual lives. Prayer and thoughts of God and eternity may hover a little longer in our minds. We indeed are finite creatures, small in the context of a larger universe. But this needn’t bring fear when we open our hearts and minds to the sovereignty of a God who loves us and designed us to be in fellowship and relationship with Him. He has a plan for us, a future for us, and when we submit ourselves to His love, our lives can become richer and fuller as we walk toward the eternity He prepared for us through the gift of His son.

In each event of life—both good and bad—I see the truth of God’s promise in Romans 8:28: “All things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.” I believe that this is even true in the days of COVID 19. In spite of the difficulties of this time, God can use it for our good and His purposes when we come to Him with open hearts and minds.

What have you learned in quarantine? I’d love to hear about your experiences.

If this quarantine has been strained because of a marriage in trouble, my new book, Fighting for Your Marriage while Separated might help you take the next best step.


Sometimes We Just Feel Weary

Guest Post by Kathy Collard Miller

Photo by Nik Shuliahin

Aren’t we all feeling weary? We’re wondering when will this COVID crisis end and we can resume our “new normal”? For most of us we are already thinking of the restaurant we’ll go to or what needs to be repaired. In all of this craziness we can be assured God hasn’t been blind or unhearing about our weariness and how we’re wondering how God fits into it all.

In fact, he comes straight out in the Bible and asks, “How have I wearied you?” Let’s look into the insights we can gain from that verse in Micah 6:3.

Even if we’re not weighed down by the Covid crisis, even when we are convinced God’s plan is His will for us, we still can feel weary. When the Israelites were complaining about God’s plan for them, He questioned them through the prophet Micah, “How have I wearied you?” (Micah 6:3 ESV).

We don’t know Micah’s tone of voice when he communicated God’s message to the people, but I wonder if he mimicked the people’s tone. If so, it would have been a whine.

When I, Kathy, grumble, I am like the Israelites in my complaint, God has done me wrong. I’m believing the lie God doesn’t know what He’s doing, and He will abandon me. He is giving me more than He is capable of empowering me to handle.

That was especially true when Larry’s mother, Audrey, lived with us. When it was clear Audrey could no longer live on her own, I felt dejected, knowing the only option was caring for her in our home. I sat on the patio, looking out at the setting sun. I felt like my life had just set. My life is gone. My life is ruined. I felt hopeless and helpless to battle against God’s will or believe He could help me win the battle. What will become of me?

My husband, Larry, also struggled with discontent. As time went along and his mom was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia, which includes paranoia, delusions, and hallucinations, he described feeling weary, as if he was being swallowed up by the endless needs of a demented woman who accused him of trying to kill her. Audrey ended up denying Larry was even her son.

We should have listened to what God says as he continues talking to the Israelites through Micah,

“For I brought you up from the land of Egypt

and redeemed you from the house of slavery,

and I sent before you Moses,

Aaron, and Miriam” (Micah 6:4).

He encourages them to remember all the times and ways He has provided for them in the past. And if He cared in the past, He would provide again and again and again.

Just as God had an answer for the complaining Israelites, Larry and I turned more and more to God’s answers and strength to combat our weariness. Day by day we remembered God’s faithful provision in the past when He healed our marriage and used our story to encourage others as we spoke at marriage retreats. We leaned on him asking for His power and guidance for Audrey’s care.

When we fell back into a weary whining, God’s words through Micah spoke to us, “How have I wearied you? Don’t I have the right to do anything I want with my servants—you? I’m empowering you and changing you. Trust me.”

We were humbled because we saw our complaints as what they really were: rebellion against the loving hand of God. God’s joy, freedom, and surrender were available to us. We could trust He was the same God who provided in the past and would strengthen us again and again. Plus, we discovered greater joy in each other as we united to serve a mentally ill woman.

After two-and-a-half years of living in our home, when Audrey joined Jesus in heaven, the Lord whispered in our hearts, “Well done, good and faithful servants.” He was the faithful one and deserved the credit, even to overcome our weary feelings.

Why do you think it’s difficult to remember God’s faithful past provision during a difficult challenge?

Think of a way God provided for you in the past which could encourage you in a current difficulty.

Faithful God, I praise you for your provision even though I am not faithful. Thank you for being willing to empower me by reminding me of the last time you provided more than I thought you could.

Kathy Collard Miller and Larry Miller have been married since 1970 and speak and write both separately and together. Their most recent book is God’s Intriguing Questions: 40 Old Testament Devotions Revealing God’s Nature (from which this post has been adapted). Kathy and Larry are parents, grandparents, lay-counselors and live in Southern California. They have spoken internationally and nationally. www.KathyCollardMiller.com


When You Don’t Feel Thankful

As we approach Thanksgiving, some of you anticipate the day with joy, happy at the idea of getting together with family, feasting on turkey, and remembering the blessings of the past year.

But others of you experience a sense of dread as the day draws near. Monumental problems in your life crowd out any sense of joy. Blessings seem a distant memory – a fantasy of days gone by. With Thanksgiving day drawing near, you’re not sure you have anything to be thankful for.

I remember such a time when my marriage was collapsing around me. My husband and I were separated. Confusion and fear gripped my heart and I had no idea what the future held. It was hard to be thankful.

During this difficult time in my life, however, I discovered an amazing irony. While I often did not feel thankful because of my painful circumstances, I found that when I let go of my pain and confusion to raise my eyes toward Heaven and simply thank God for being my Lord and Father, my heart grew lighter and I felt at peace.

As I magnified God through my praise, the debris of doubt and fear cleared from my mind and my perspective changed. God appeared larger and I became more aware of His awesome power and majesty. As a result, my painful circumstances seemed less weighty and prominent. I saw only God, only His love, only His comforting presence. Thanking and praising God was a salve to my aching heart. In the midst of praise I knew I would be alright.

The irony I discovered is that thanking God—when it seemed I had nothing to be thankful for—actually gave me something to be thankful for.

Psalm 100:4 tells us to “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.”

In other words, it is when we are thankful–when we praise His name—that we can enter into the very presence of God. And when we do, we find that His majesty and power is greater than any problem we encounter. In the light of His almighty presence and power, the darkness in our lives grows pale.

When we thank God and praise Him, we open a window into Heaven through which God smiles down upon us and surrounds us with His presence. The opportunity to be thankful and lift our praise to God is an inexplicably beautiful gift God has given us, a gift that brings us into His presence and lifts our hearts out of the surrounding circumstances of our lives. Praising God and thanking Him brings us into His courts where God’s glory outshines the tinsel and washes away the dross of the world around us.

Psalm 28:7 says, “The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in Him, and I am helped. Therefore my heart greatly rejoices, and with my song I will praise Him.”

If you are having trouble feeling thankful, when you wake up on Thanksgiving day begin by praising God. Thank Him for His love, which never ceases. Thank Him for being a big God that nothing can defeat. Thank Him that you have the incredible privilege of coming before the God of the universe and offering up your heart.  When you do, He will pour His strength into your weakness. He will fill your heart with Himself and the forever love He has for you. Not only will you find you do have something to be thankful for, but with the tenderness of God’s presence so near, you might find this Thanksgiving to be more meaningful than ever before.

“Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God” (Psalm 42:11).

“Praise the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens. Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness. . . .  Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord” (Psalm 150:1-2, 6).

Find hope for yourself and your marriage with Broken Heart on Hold, Surviving Separation


Entering Into Thanksgiving

gateway“WHERE ARE YOU GOD? Where are your blessings? How do I find you?” Beneath the words of heartache in the emails I often receive, these are the underlying questions that I hear in them. The pain is palpable. And at this time of year, it’s especially difficult.

As Thanksgiving approaches, I know some of your hearts are heavy with pain and longing, and you’re groping to see the blessings. Thanksgiving is coming on too quick. And you know Christmas is close behind. You’re just not ready to celebrate.

When life hits us hard, how do we enter in?

Psalm 100:4 says “Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise.”

If you grew up in church like I did, you probably heard this phrase many times. It’s a familiar psalm, and if you’re like me, it’s probably so familiar that it just rolls off the tongue and through the mind . . . without truly connecting . . . . But last night as I lay in bed, thinking about this coming week . . . thinking about and praying for many of you for whom Thanksgiving comes in the midst of difficult times, these words swirled through my mind with new meaning. For these words give us God’s answer to the question many of us are asking. How do we enter in?

The psalmist says:

“With thanksgiving.”

When God seems distant, when life offers more questions than answers, when our hearts are heavy, Psalm 100 says to enter into his gates with thanksgiving.

It’s another one of God’s paradoxes, another one of those spiritual truths that hovers above our sense of logic. How do we grasp it?

By entering in . . .

With thanksgiving.

When we can’t find God, when life is hard, when questions abound, lifting our voices with thanksgiving brings us into the gates of God’s presence. All it takes is starting with just a few words of thanks.

What do we have to be thankful for?


Something small perhaps. A ray of sunshine pushing through the mist of a gloomy day. Raindrops sparkling on the windowpane. A soft pillow to lay our head. The smooth aroma of coffee on a cold morning. A friendly voice on the phone.

As we thank God for small things, He will begin to fill our minds with more. And one by one, little by little, we will enter in.

And in the midst of our thanksgiving, we will find God . . . embracing us, comforting us until our hearts open up with praise. And then we are in His courts. We are in His presence.

In His presence, His light shines upon us. No, the problems are not gone. But there in His presence we have all we need, the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the God of creation, the God who loves us, the God who walks with us through the mazes of life. And this is something to be truly thankful for.

This is thanksgiving.

“Enter into his gates with Thanksgiving and into his courts with praise. For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.” Psalm 100:4-5

Let this song of praise lift you into a time of Thanksgiving. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gn5CMSSAx_c

A heavy heart grows lighter through thanksgiving.


Treasures at our feet

Do We See Them or Are We Caught in the Frenzy?

Blue Easter egg - biggerCOLORED EGGS OF EVERY HUE  lay scattered over the green expanse of lawn before us. Our daughters stood behind a stretch of rope along with hundreds of other children from town, waiting for the start of the event.  This was the local Easter egg hunt, and all the children were excited in anticipation of finding as many goodies as they could.

When the signal was given and the rope dropped, the children stampeded into the center of the field—all except for one—our six-year-old daughter Julie. While hordes of children scrambled over the field looking for eggs, Julie took a single step and picked up an Easter egg lying just inside the ropes, directly in front of her. Then she continued into the field, picking up eggs as she went—ones passed up by the other children as they had hurried together towards the treasures they spied beyond.

My husband and I chuckled, amused and proud at the wisdom of our little girl.

Today as I think back on that day and picture my daughter standing alone at the edge of the field to take advantage of the treasures at her feet, it makes me think.

How many times am I like that throng of children racing into the center of the field, looking for something to enrich my life, while missing the very special blessings God has put right before me in that moment? Have I really seen—and appreciated—the beauty of flowers blooming and birds singing, the richness of a special relationship in my life, or the provision of daily sustenance needed for that day?  Have I seen the beauty of what lies right in front of me?

Yesterday, as I tried to unscramble a colossal mess of conflicting schedules I had created for myself because of too much busyness, I heard that still small voice in my heart whispering from the Word.  “Be still and know that I am God.”  (Psalm 46:10) As those words of truth settled over me, I realized that if I brought my confusion to God and put it into His hands He would sort it out. After all, He’s omnipotent. He knows what’s happening. And, in fact, He knew about the mess I’d made before I found out about it.

And so I sat down with His Word and allowed Him to put His peace into my heart. And as my mind stopped racing in “fix it” mode, I could see that His plans were not my own.  His agenda was different.  I let some things go, and everything fell into place.

Sometimes when we’re in a frenzy to figure things out and solve our problems, God asks us to just ”Be still and know that I am God.”  (Psalm 46:10) When our hearts and minds are quiet before Him, we’re better able to listen for His voice and hear when He wants to point us in a new direction.  When we wait on Him, our eyes can refocus so they can see with more clarity the path He’s laying out before us.

Who knows?  His provision might be right in front of us. But we haven’t been able to see it because we’re so intent on trying to reach the “Easter eggs” in the distance.

During this holy Easter week, quiet your mind and allow yourself to fully see the God who loves you so much that He was willing to walk the dark path of death so we can be with Him in life.  Take some time out from your busy schedule. Stop wrestling with the worries that hold you hostage.  Be still and know that He is God.


A Thanksgiving Irony

What a joy to begin this blog at Thanksgiving, the day when we all come together in corporate thanks to God.

 Most of us welcome Thanksgiving as a time of fellowship with family, a day of feasting, and a day of remembering all of the year’s past blessings.

With all the chaos of the world around us, Thanksgiving is a day when we as a nation collectively recognize all that is right, rather than all that is wrong. Thanksgiving is a day when we sift through the realities and discover what is good.  For this one day we as Christians put aside the pride of our individual achievements and thank Him for all the good in our lives, recognizing that all good things come from God.

But for some of us, Thanksgiving seems to be at odds with where we are in our circumstances.

A house is in foreclosure, a child is in rebellion, the recent diagnosis from the doctor riddles us with fear.  Being thankful?  For what?  The hollowness of Thanksgiving may make even the taste of turkey dry up in our mouths as our minds dwell on all that is wrong, not all that is right.

But for anyone who finds themselves in this situation, the irony of Thanksgiving is that in spite of

.  . . No, actually, because of  . . .

the problems we bemoan in our lives, the celebration of Thanksgiving can become the very thing to lift us out of where we are into where we want to be.  For when we thank God, we bring Him into our presence. Praise and thanksgiving pleases God.  And when the details of our lives give us less to be thankful about, a thankful heart touches God all the more deeply.

When we thank God and praise Him, we open a window into Heaven through which God smiles down upon us and surrounds us with His presence. The opportunity to be thankful is an inexplicably beautiful gift God has given us, a gift that brings Him into our presence and lifts our hearts out of the surrounding circumstances of our lives.  Praising God and thanking Him brings us into beauty’s company where God’s glory outshines the tinsel and the dross of the world around us.

In some of the darkest moments of my life, I found that praising God cleansed the pain from my soul and helped me see more clearly.  As the debris of doubt and fear cleared from my mind, I saw only God, only His love, only His comforting presence.  His enormity was so overpowering and so overwhelming in the midst of praise that I knew I would be alright. 

Tomorrow, as you wake up to that day we call Thanksgiving, begin by praising God. Let Him remind you of the good things He has brought into your life.  But most of all thank Him for His love, which never ceases. Thank Him for being a big God that nothing can defeat. Thank Him that you have the incredible privilege of coming before the God of the universe and offering up your heart.  Praise Him.  Thank Him. 

This Thanksgiving as you bring thanks to God, may it turn around to bless you with hope that comes to you in unexpected ways so that on November 29 you discover that you actually DO have more to be thankful for than you did the day before.

Happy Thanksgiving.

“Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom.” Psalm 145:3

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